
New to St. Paul?


Our Sunday morning worship service begins at 10 a.m. in the sanctuary. A handicapped accessible door is located at the main entrance and enters the back of the sanctuary. Entrances are also via side doors or the Wesley Center (Sunday School) at the front of the sanctuary. A new accessible sidewalk also bridges the gap between the sanctuary and the Wesley center for greater access. Greeters stationed at the entrance will offer you a printed bulletin. You may also follow along with the presentation on the screen. Bibles and song books are located in front of and below each seat. Amplified listening devices and large print hymnals are located on the table in the rear narthex.

There are restrooms near both entrances. A child friendly restroom is located downstairs in the Wesley Center. Cribs in the nursery and cry room serve as changing stations.



Children up through 2nd grade are welcome to visit the nursery at any time during the service.


Children's Church

Children up through 5th grade may attend children's church after the children's moment.



Can't attend this week but want to send your donation?


St. Paul United Methodist Church
401 N. Main St.
PO Box 457
Brighton, Il 62012
* Children may stay with their parents throughout the service if so desired. A cry room with viewing window is also available at the back of the sanctuary for your convenience.